
Grape Creek RV Park

Nestled in the Rocky Mountains, Westcliffe, Colorado, offers a picturesque getaway for RV enthusiasts seeking adventure, tranquility, and natural beauty. With towering peaks and serene valleys, this charming town invites travelers to explore its scenic wonders and outdoor recreation. In this blog, we’ll uncover Westcliffe’s highlights and attractions nearby including national parks, campgrounds, and scenic routes.

Situated in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Westcliffe boasts panoramic views, clear mountain air, and a laid-back atmosphere. It’s a Dark Sky community where you could see an incrediblle amount of celestial activity. Explore the quaint downtown area lined with historic buildings, art galleries, and charming boutiques. Take a stroll along Main Street and immerse yourself in the friendly ambiance.

Within a short drive, campers can access renowned national parks and wilderness areas, each with its unique allure. Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve (85 miles): Experience North America’s tallest sand dunes against snow-capped peaks. Enjoy hiking, sandboarding, or simply marveling at the landscapes.
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park (90 miles): Venture into the rugged beauty of the Black Canyon, featuring sheer cliffs plunging into the Gunnison River. Explore breathtaking vistas and hiking trails.
Campgrounds and RV Parks:
Westcliffe and its surroundings offer a variety of campgrounds and RV parks for those seeking a tranquil retreat amidst nature.

DeWeese Reservoir Campground: Settle into a lakeside campsite with scenic views and fishing opportunities.
Sangre de Cristo Campground: Tucked in the mountains’ foothills, this campground offers spacious sites and proximity to outdoor activities like hiking and wildlife watching.
Scenic Drives:
Embark on unforgettable scenic drives, immersing yourself in Colorado’s rugged terrain.

Front Range Scenic Byway: Wind through the foothills past meadows, towns, and snow-capped peaks.
Highway of Legends Scenic Byway: Meander through mountain towns, forests, and volcanic landscapes, with highlights including Cuchara Pass and the Spanish Peaks.

With its natural beauty, outdoor activities, and proximity to national parks and scenic drives, Westcliffe, Colorado, is a must-visit for RV travelers. Whether exploring the town, embarking on scenic drives, or camping beneath the starry skies, Westcliffe promises an unforgettable experience in its natural peace. By some oxygen cans for the elevation and bear spray. Let us know if you feel the magic of Westcliffe.

5 RV Maintenance Tips

Howdy, family! If you’re like us, you’ve ditched the traditional house life for the freedom of full-time RV living. But freedom isn’t free! We’re about to dish out some maintenance magic to keep your home-on-wheels running smoother than a freshly paved highway in the heart of Vermont.

TLC for Your Tires:
Imagine your tires as the unsung heroes of your RV journey – they’re literally carrying the weight of your adventures! Make sure you’re giving them the love they deserve by checking the pressure regularly. Nothing ruins a road trip faster than a blowout on the interstate, am I right? And while you’re at it, keep an eye on those tire treads. We want grip on the road, not slipping and sliding like a novice ice skater in a winter storm.

Roof Rendezvous:
Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Why on earth would I want to hang out on my RV’s roof?” Well, family, it’s not just for suntanning or stargazing (although those are bonuses). Climb up there every now and then to check for any pesky leaks or damage. We want to keep the rain where it belongs – outside! Plus, a roof check gives you an excuse to enjoy the view from a whole new perspective. Just don’t fall off.

Electrical Etiquette:
Ah, electricity – the lifeblood of modern nomads like us. But it can also be the worst problem you ever have. Check out our video “Our Longest Week Ever”. Regularly inspect your RV’s electrical system, from the batteries to the wiring. We don’t want any sparks flying where they shouldn’t be! And if you’re not confident in your electrical skill, don’t hesitate to call in the pros. It’s better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to something as vital as power on the road.

Plumbing Perfection:
Let’s talk about everyone’s favorite topic – plumbing! Okay, maybe it’s not the most glamorous aspect of RV living, but it’s certainly one of the most important. Keep those pipes clean and clear to avoid any nasty surprises down the line. And don’t forget to give your water heater some love too – nobody likes a cold shower, especially when you’re miles away from civilization.

Chassis Check-up:
Last but not least, let’s show some appreciation for the unsung hero of our RV – the chassis. Without it, we’d be nothing more than a glorified mobile home stuck in the mud. So, every now and then, give your chassis a thorough once-over. Look for any signs of wear and tear, and address them before they become full-blown issues. A little preventative maintenance goes a long way in keeping us rolling smoothly down the highway of life.

There you have it, family – 5 maintenance must-dos to keep your RV running like a well-oiled machine. Remember, a little TLC goes a long way when you’re living life on the road. So, grab your toolbox, channel your inner DIY guru, and let’s keep those wheels turning towards adventure! Safe travels family.

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